Sticky notes




  • Nick Woodward

    If sticky notes could be exported with a screen capture like in navisworks that would be very much needed to keep a record of actions need to be made in revit after the meeting. Being able to assign these tasks to individuals would also be important

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  • David Morgan

    Nick Woodward 👋 Totally agree that there is a lot of potential for our sticky notes. This type of integration with naviswork/revit is an item on our roadmap that we would love some insight on from users like you! 

    Do you think we could continue the discussion over on our new community page? We've been slowly migrating our forums over to that site, we have a specific category for feedback just like this 🎉If that isn't your jam, no worries! I would be happy to find time on our calendars to sync up. 

    Hope to see ya over there! 

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