You can save views in Arkio scenes to quickly hop between different views in the design and to guide others around your models. Views can be created and edited from VR, desktop and mobile devices and are shared in meetings to be used by everyone.
Saved views for the current scene can be accessed from your Review panel found on the bottom menu in VR or the eye icon on the bottom left corner of the 2D version of Arkio. Once this menu is open you can see a list of all previously saved views for your scene and the basic views, front, top, and back.
If you select "Add new" in VR a camera will appear in your hand to frame the new view. Once you press the trigger a new view is created and the name of the view can be modified or clicked to jump to this view.
You can repeat these steps to add as many views as you like. You can delete and update existing views with a new location by using the modify button and pressing the update button in front of the view name or the delete icon behind the view name.
The view menu works in a similar way in non-VR versions of Arkio. The main difference is that you don't need a VR handheld camera to frame your new or updated views as your device already frames the view.
If you use a PC or mobile device to jump between views your camera will be positioned in the same orientation and location as the saved viewpoint. When jumping to a view in VR your view will be oriented in the original direction and scale that the camera was pointing.
The "Add new" button will create a new view directly from your current view. Clicking the view name will take you to that view and clicking on a meeting icon behind the name will take you and everyone in that meeting to this view (see meetings). Modify allows you to update, rename, and delete your views.
Sharing views in meetings
Saved views will be shared in Arkio meetings so you can use them to guide people around and quickly switch between different parts of your design by clicking on the meeting icon behind a view name while meetings are active. You can gather everyone in that meeting to the same view no matter what device they are using. This offers a great way to streamline presentations and design reviews with larger groups.
You can also jump to other users in a meeting by clicking on the icon behind their name in the meeting panel and you can gather everyone around your current position by clicking on the gather icon behind your own name.
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