When an object is being moved a secondary action button will appear on the controller (the button normally used for the Quick Menu). This button can be pressed to make a duplicate of the currently selected object or group of objects.
Once a duplicate has been made you can place another duplicate somewhere else by pressing the duplicate button again.
Duplicates can be made when holding shapes with by laser (great for orthogonally aligned placements)
Or when grabbing a shape with your hands (great for precision placement and rotation to add a “human touch” to the position)
The position and rotation of a first duplicate created from a model will serve as the starting point for creating an Array. (Keep the placement button pressed and move your controller in the direction of the array).
How would you replicate this move and action without the VR ?
Hi Xenon Arendovich, the move tool is supported in the non-VR versions of Arkio but not the duplicate or array commands for now, they will be added in an upcoming release. Which platforms are you using Arkio on?
I was testing it out on the PC via Steam. I look forward to testing out your program more.
can you duplicate without moving the reference object? The majority of the time when I start the move, the reference object moves ever so slightly, and that I don't like. The interface should have a copy command on its own.
Good point Michi Ken - for now what we've done is to make sure the original object actually stays in place if you pick up an object and duplicate without moving the original object too much. This is something we're looking to improve even further on for sure.
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