The pin tool allows you to pin geometry in place so it cannot be accidentally moved, edited, or deleted. You can still interact with the geometry by creating something new on top of the shapes or by painting the surfaces of the object.
You can activate the pin tool from the main menu in VR or non-vr. When the tool is active everything that is pinned in your Arkio scene will get an orange cage highlight. Objects that are hovered and are about to be pinned will show corner cages instead of full cage outlines. Objects that are about to be unpinned will show a thicker outline when hovered instead.
The pin tool allows you to pin the entire hierarchy of connected geometry at once. Similar to using the move tool you can hover the lowest object in the scene to pin every object attached including the void geometry and objects contained inside this void. If you want to unpin parts of the geometry you can hover the objects to exclude them by unpinning them again visible by the removed orange cages.
If geometry is pinned and you are trying to use the move, edit, or delete tool on this geometry. the cages of the object will show a gray line and a gray Pin icon will show on the tip of your laser. You cannot use these tools on this geometry unless you unpin the geometry first using the pin tool. Geometry can still be glued to or interact with any pinned object but you cannot use these tools on the geometry or pick up the geometry using your hand/controller interaction point.
Geometry can also be pinned directly at placement this prevents imported large existing models from moving and keeps your models in their original origin location so any added Arkio geometry can load back to the correct coordinates in that model.
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