New Arkio features:
- Pin geometry to prevent accidental edits
- Co-location group for easier gathering and locking in mixed reality
- Auto gathering of meeting participants to host from wristband or meeting settings
- Up to 2x larger model imports on all devices
- Local exports from Rhino/Revit/Sketchup/Unity plugins now directly open Arkio on PC
- 6 new sample scenes, welcome video and starting scene
- Automatically open the import tab when a new resource is loaded
- Share mixed reality anchors from the host user to other co-located users
- Automatically mute people in a co-location group
- Remove mixed reality anchors using the delete tool
Arkio improvements:
- Better performance and more details are shown for large imported models
- New wristband UI and controllers on Quest and other devices
- Right and left hand start with no tool selected
- Main menu updated (pin and grouping as main tools)
- Simplified import panel for 3D and image placement
- Load imports as pinned/movable in the current/new scene
- Improved loading of less common GLB/GLTF/OBJ file conversions
- Improved download loading bars
- Improved boundaryless safety blending
- Easier grouping of objects (select by centroid and auto-wrapped)
- Improved performance and smoothness while editing/moving shapes
- Smoothed the laser for more precise editing on distance
- Enhanced teleporter allowing teleporting across larger distances
- Improved outlines cages of shapes in complex scenes
- Tutorial scenes are now available on all devices
- Mixed Reality loading screen on Quest
- Clear & restart button in settings to reimport and troubleshoot issues with imported files
- Various UI and UX improvements
Plugin improvements:
- Skip exporting the green ground geometry if no map or void is active
- Revit 2025 support
- Export geometry from Revit families to Arkio
- Import Arkio files directly inside Revit families
- New Revit import option, Arkio solids geometry can now be loaded as named generic families
- Fixed Revit plugin UI and issues for large-resolution screens
- Fixed Rhino plugin UI and material export issues
- 2x Faster Sketchup exports
- Unity imports can now be pinned or movable
- Fixed Unity plugin compatibility issue for Unity 2023
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